A doctor has been caught on tape admitting that Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies, which is a blatant violation of federal law.
An anti-abortion group on Tuesday released the undercover video of Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola. Over lunch, she is reordered explaining to the buyers (a couple who are actually actors, posing as medical researchers) all about her organization’s efforts to deliver intact limbs and organs to interested parties, how the procedure is performed and which human organs are most popular.
The video also reveals Dr. Nucatola is aware the practice of selling mutilated dead baby parts effectively violates a federal law which prohibits the sale of fetal tissue procured from partial birth abortions.
David Daleiden, the head of the non-profit Center for Medical Progress, says he’s floored by the admissions of criminal wrongdoing his team captured:
“Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization,” Daleiden said, according to LifeNews.com. “Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.”
A second undercover video shows a Planned Parenthood (PPFA) executive haggling over payments for fetal specimens with a potential buyer, offering a “less crunchy technique” to keep more of the body parts fully intact. Gatter is a senior official within Planned Parenthood and is President of the Medical Directors’ Council, the central committee of all Planned Parenthood affiliate medical directors.
A third undercover expose video of Planned Parenthood has been released by the Center For Medical Progress, and as expected, it shows footage of fetal body parts after abortions.
The video features whistleblower Holly O’Donnell, who claims that a biomedical company she was working for was in the business of paying Planned Parenthood clinics for fetal organs, according to the condition of the tissue after being extracted from an abortion.
An official for Planned Parenthood of the Rockies opened the door a little wider to the business of abortion – and the sale of the body parts of unborn babies – when on Thursday a new video was released by the the Center for Medical Progress that details how “providers” need a little more training to make sure the “specimens” are “intact.”
The latest footage, which was captured on April 9, 2015, features Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston, Texas, who proclaims that her organization has been “doing research for many, many years.”
The new video includes O’Donnell’s eyewitness narrative of the daily practice of fetal body parts harvesting in Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, describing tissue procurement workers’ coordination with abortion providers, the pressure placed on patients, and disregard for patient consent.
The seventh expose’ video surrounding Planned Parenthood’s alleged harvesting and sale of aborted babies was released today, featuring testimony that suggests that some babies are alive when their organs are harvested.
The latest video claims to show Cate Dyer, CEO of biotech company StemExpress, LLC, “admitting the company gets ‘a lot’ of intact fetuses” and ”agreeing abortion clinics should profit from the sale,” according to a press release from the Center for Medical Progress.
The Center for Medical Progress released a new video this morning — the 9th in its series of videos catching the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling aborted babies and their body parts. This latest video catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies — including one who “just fell out” of the womb.
A brand new undercover video was released today by the Center For Medical Progress, further exposing Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the trade of aborted fetal tissue and organs. In the footage, Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for PPFA, admits that Planned Parenthood provides buyers with hearts, eyes and “gonads” of unborn babies. The officials on tape also intimate, once again, that the organisation is using methods that contravene federal law to sell body parts for profit.
The eleventh video release from The Center for Medical Progress in the ongoing Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal shows the abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood in Austin, Texas. Amna Dermish is caught on tape describing a partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term unborn babies which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.
New Video Exposes Planned Parenthood’s ‘Accounting Gimmicks’ in Hiding Sale of Baby Body Parts
Planned Parenthood Switches Abortion Tactics to Harvest ‘More Intact’ Body Parts
‘Women Deserve Better’: House Committee Accuses Abortion Clinics of Selling Fetal Tissue
These 27 Universities Purchased Body Parts From Aborted Babies for Experimentation
Colorado State University Caught Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Research
Big Food now highly dependent on aborted fetal tissue for product development
Aborted baby parts now being sold for ‘science’ experiments by multi-million-dollar company
Leftists justify murdering babies to harvest their organs by saying they’re not people
Where Do the Body Parts of Aborted Babies End Up? Scientists Transplant Their Brain Tissue Into Mice
Repent America, The Blood Is On Your Hands!
April 10, 1993
Taxpayers beware, the blood of the unborn babies will be on all Christian and non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in passing federally paid abortions. All those who have ears to listen — hear, all others remain Deaf. You who would never murder your babies will be committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to use your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper you.
This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY people will have angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a God of love, but I am a God of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting now. Let you voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right, now before it’s too late.
Beware Of Horror Of New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come!
May 25, 1998
The babies, MY precious babies is there anything more precious than a baby, whether it be human or animal? I took the time to pour beauty and innocence into babies and yet they are murdered. MY precious babies are murdered while nestled safely in their mothers’ wombs. Now if a stranger does this, the world gasps in horror when murders are committed and the baby is cut from the mother’s womb in satanic acts and yet MY babies are not being murdered by satanic strangers, no, something even far worse. MY babies are being murdered by their own mothers.
The ones I take the time to put milk in their breasts so they can feed and nurture the young ones. The ones I put a mother’s love in to protect her unborn and yet how many of these that the innocent baby would call Mama are betrayed by the very ones I commanded to “be fruitful and multiply.” No one forces these mothers to murder their young; they do it with malice and forethought. They do it in spite of the fact I have placed MY warriors in front of the abortion clinics, testifying of MY love and that there is another way. They do it in an act of rebellion against the God of all Creation and again I give another shuddering prophecy through the one I am speaking forth. The world will call her a fool until what I speak happens and it shall be you who murder MY babies in your abortion mills, you who sell their aborted body parts and make cosmetics and use them for other vile purposes.
PROPHECY 43, Part 2
November 15, 2001
The blood of the unborn babies which are aborted, tortured, used in medical experiments, in cosmetics and sacrificed for selfish reasons is on your hands. There is no good reason to kill innocent babes. All who do this will answer to ME on Judgment Day, if they don’t repent and warn others.
“The HOLY TRINITY Needs to be Comforted Also!”
May 29, 2017
That’s why I told you to memorize Psalm 91 as I told Elisheva in 2001. Repeat it each day. Claim it. Stand on it and also Psalm 23, hang on to it. Don’t let go! And the more you find ways to comfort US as WE see what they’ve done to this earth—as WE see what Monsanto has done, as WE see now they even make jewellery of the aborted foetuses and you know it not. You think you’re putting face cream on to restore your youth. You know it not and there, is blood of DNA.
And you satanic elite who think this is fun for you’ve had all the fame and the riches and you’ve done every sin that can be done. So you turn yourself even more to satan and you say, “What more can I do to serve you?” So even when he tells you to rip a child apart in two, with your bare hands you will try to rip their arms off! You will break their fingers off! You will drink their blood! You will smear it on the face and they will call it “face cream”.
You don’t know what’s in that cream! You don’t know what’s in that lipstick! You don’t know what they have done—only the satanic elite as they laugh at you.