Right in the American Heartland, in the state of Kansas, a minority group of Muslim students have succeeded in taking over what used to be the Christian chapel of their university to the dismay of the school’s majority Christian population.
Ironically, the Muslims gained control of the Christian prayer area with the help of the administrators of Wichita State University (WSU) who, last May, decided to make the university’s chapel “faith neutral“ to accommodate Muslim students, according to a Fox News report.
University officials ordered workers to remove all the pews and the altar inside the Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel. Muslim prayer rugs and some portable chairs were then brought inside.
In a statement, WSU President John Bardo said the changes were in compliance with the wishes of the chapel’s benefactor, Mrs. Harvey D. Grace, who in her last will wrote that “this chapel will be open to all creeds and to all races of people.”
Guided by this, Bardo said they decided to convert the chapel into a facility “welcoming to all religious groups on campus.“
But the changes ultimately resulted in a “Christian cleansing,” according to Fox News. “Anything remotely related to the décor of a Christian church was given the heave-ho.”
University to remove cross and Bibles from campus chapel
Church of England Removes Christ’s Cross so Muslims Won’t Be Offended
World’s First Lesbian Bishop Calls for Church to Remove Crosses, to Install Muslim Prayer Space
Christian Worship to Be Replaced with Multi-Faith Assemblies in British Schools
November 2, 2001
Leave America alone. Leave Israel alone. Leave MY Children the freedom to worship and serve ME in truth and anointed power. I set America apart to be the land of the free and blessed her with no war coming to her shores since the years gone by. America, don’t so freely give away what I have blessed you with simply because of fear. Speak up and remain the silent majority no more. Let your voices be heard. Remember when one loses the freedom of religion and even the wrong are censored; then all are in danger of losing their freedom of religion. Then all are in danger of losing their freedom of religion. MY Children know this is not about a religion being taken away; this is about a relationship with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA being changed to a form of religion with a form of godliness, but having no godliness within.
What Is The Name Of The RUACH ha KODESH?
February 27, 2007
Only through YAHUSHUA’s Name and Blood is there Salvation for the people on earth. YAHUSHUA is the only door of Salvation that leads to Heaven. Anyone that tries to enter in through another name or way will only find the door to hell. Do not be deceived, there are many religions but only one door to Heaven through the Name and Holy Sinless Blood that was sacrificed by YAHUSHUA.
The one world religion that strives to combine all religions and different manmade doctrines as one is a lie and will only lead souls to hell.
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Says,Pick Up Your Weapon, I Am ALIVE!
April 12, 2008
Beware, MY Sheep and Lambs, of those who try to put all the religions together as one! Of the One World Religion! There is but one YAH. You have but ONE CREATOR. YAHUVEH is HIS Name. Others pronounce it YAHWEH. But there is but ONE. There is but ONE MASHIACH. MY Name is YAHUSHUA. Call ME YAHSHUA. But don’t take the Name YAH out and think you’re hearing from MY SPIRIT.
“The HOLY TRINITY Needs to be Comforted Also!”
May 29, 2017
MY children! MY children! MY children! MY babies! MY babies! MY babies! I want to get to know you better! I AM your CREATOR! There is none other! You never put religions together!
This is not about a religion! This is about a relationship with your CREATOR. This is about your MESSIAH, your SAVIOUR YAHUSHUA WHO paid the PRICE at Calvary—so from hell [you’d be saved], you would not go, so I could hear your prayers again, so I could forgive you of your sins—HE shed HIS OWN BLOOD! For HIS BLOOD was perfect! It came from Heaven!
Do not believe what is being taught now that all religions can come together (1 Cor 8:5-6; 2 Cor 6:14; Jn 14:6). No! No! No! and No!
You cannot put the religions together. Did not YAHUSHUA say before HE left, as the word says, the Holy Scripture, the Bible, “MY desire for you is to be one” (Jn 17:20-23)? That is not a Muslim. For they do not receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. They have their own prophet, Mohammed and that will not get you into Heaven.
How will you accept ME in the Great Tribulation, MY SON YAHUSHUA in the Great Tribulation when you are told, “All religions are to be one”?—when it’s already been—a President has already signed it into executive order that which I did not want done. For all religions and those who serve other gods, do not serve I YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH.
Never can all religions join together and expect to be found in Heaven—if they do not repent and turn away from the false gods—they have done nothing more than build a golden calf just as in the time of Moses (Moshe) on Mt. Sinai that I have just told the story of.