The global elite have never been closer to their goal of a united world. Thanks to a series of interlocking treaties and international agreements, the governance of this planet is increasingly becoming globalized and centralized, but most people don’t seem alarmed by this at all.
From September 25th to September 27th, the United Nations launched a “new universal agenda” for humanity. Those are not my words, they actually come directly out of the core document for this new agenda. The Pope traveled to New York City to give the address that kicked off this conference, thus giving his considerable endorsement to this new plan. Virtually every nation on the entire planet willingly signed up for the 17 goals that are included in this plan, but this stunning turn of events made very few international headlines.
The United Nations is promising that if we all work together that we can turn our planet into some kind of “utopia”, but the truth is that all of this talk about “unity” masks a very insidious agenda. We are being trained to think of ourselves as “global citizens” that belong to a “global community”. Decades ago, most Americans would have been up in arms over something like this. But now most people just seem to accept these changes passively. Very powerful secret societies and international organizations have been moving us in this direction for a very long time, and most Americans simply have no idea what is happening.
Another way that our planet is being “united” is through the use of international trade agreements. The ultimate goal is for the entire world to become a “single market” with uniform laws, rules and regulations. Negotiations for one of the biggest international trade treaties that the world has ever seen recently concluded. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, also known as “Obamatrade”, would represent a giant step toward a truly unified global economy.
We are also seeing some stunning moves in the direction of a one world religion.
In recent years, you may have noticed that it has become very trendy to say that all religions are just different paths to the same God. In fact, many prominent religious leaders are now openly proclaiming that the two biggest faiths on the entire planet, Christianity and Islam, worship the exact same deity.
What is happening is undeniable.
We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion.
Of course we will not get there overnight. It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way. In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there.
But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offer us will involve more globalization and more centralization. We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity.
For some, the goal of a “united planet” where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war and disease makes all the sense in the world.
For others, a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for “one world tyranny”.
A New World Order: Brought to You by the Global-Industrial Deep State
Vatican Calls For ‘Central World Bank’ And ‘Global Authority’
Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. ‘For Their Own Good’
Pope Francis Calls For ‘One World Government’ To ‘Save Humanity’
Vatican Speaker: Remove 6 Billion People And Introduce New World Order
Stephen Hawking: ‘World Government’ Will Be ‘Pinnacle Of Humanity’
UN Boss: “The United Nations Is the Parliament of Humanity”
UN Climate Chief: UN’s Transformation Of Global Economy Is “UNSTOPPABLE”
Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion
Is Pope Francis Promoting A One World Religion And New World Order?
The Power Elite Behind the Rising New World Order
Bless And Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem
October 19, 1999
Satan now controls the government of this nation and nations around this world. You are to submit to the governments only as much as they submit to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. For the government is upon the shoulders of YAHUSHUA HE alone paid the price! MY people are to obey the God they serve and not Man. Pray the corrupt governments will be defeated and the Holy ones will arise taking back what was stolen.
Hang On! Hang On! Hang On! Do Not Lose Your Blessed Hope!
February 7, 2009
There are many ways to kill the children now, even poisoning their food, poisoning their toys. Be not deceived, the son’s of satan call this population control. Their agenda is all about population control. It’s all part of their plan as even the air you breath is poisoned full of death and destruction and disease. But ask the new world order, those in their secret society and if they were to tell you their secrets they would tell you it’s all about population control. Only the rich shall survive. The richest of the rich, but I am confounding the enemy. Those covered in MY Son’s shed Blood at Calvary, those who call out to YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. That blood is their immunity. Keep praying, keep asking, keep reminding ME to take MY vengeance on those who spread the poison in the sky and MY vengeance shall come on those who created these formulas of death, disease and destruction (and) the politicians who allow it.
Thus Saith YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, “Will You Allow ME to Divide What MY Hand Did Not Join Together?”
July 30, 2009
MY Holy ones have been betrayed time and again and it cost them their lives or imprisonment time and time again and so it is now. So it will become worse (Matt 24:21-22) as your freedom of religion is replaced with the one world Government and religion will be mandatory (Rev 17:4-6, 15). How many sit by and watch others freedoms and freedom of speech taken away and replaced by laws of sin. When the time comes and the mark of the beast is mandatory, you will see what happens to the unequally yoked households who refused to allow ME from unequally yoked bondages and relationships to be set free (Matt 24:9-10, 25)!