As reported by the Activist Post‘s Heather Callaghan, soon medical microchip implants will be introduced to the general population, which will serve as “the new face of medicine that polygamously marries Big Pharma, biotech, nanotech and wireless remote technology.“
Perhaps not surprisingly – given its propensity to favor technology that reduces planetary human presence – the same developers who are bringing wireless, remote-controlled implants are currently focused on a product that is the cornerstone of future efforts: Gates Foundation-funded birth control microchip implants.
Callaghan notes that wireless technology allows the remotely controlled chips to essentially activate a woman’s ability to conceive, or prevent it, at will, which amounts to temporary sterilization (if a decision is made, say by an all-powerful government agency, to prevent a woman from bearing a child). Government in the U.S. would instantly transform itself from “pro-choice” (through the permission of abortion) to no choice.
The writer also observed:
Of course with remote technology funded by eugenics depopulation fanatics, the first questions should always be, “the ability to conceive by whose will?” This would be the complete antithesis of female empowerment or a “woman’s right to choose” – would it not?
What’s more, the chips are encrypted, so no hacking – not by cyber criminals or by technologically clever souls who are simply trying to bypass a government’s oppression.
The microchip is implantable into arms, hips or somewhere on a woman’s back. The development of the chip was kept under wraps while researchers and scientists worked to complete work the past couple of years. But the existence of the chip was finally confirmed publicly as beta testing of the technology is scheduled to begin towards the end of 2015, when volunteers will be sought.
Remote Controlled Chip – The Future Of Contraceptives
Male Birth Control Breakthrough: Scientists Can Block Sperm Production Gene
Hang On! Hang On! Hang On! Do Not Lose Your Blessed Hope!
February 7, 2009
There are many ways to kill the children now, even poisoning their food, poisoning their toys. Be not deceived, the sons of satan call this population control. It’s all part of their plan as even the air you breath is poisoned full of death and destruction and disease. But ask the new world order, those in their secret society and if they were to tell you their secrets they would tell you it’s all about population control. Only the rich shall survive. The richest of the rich, but I am confounding the enemy. Those covered in MY Son’s shed Blood at Calvary, those who call out to YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. That blood is their immunity. Keep praying, keep asking, keep reminding ME to take MY vengeance on those who spread the poison in the sky and MY vengeance shall come on those who created these formulas of death, disease and destruction (and) the politicians who allow it.
Beware Of The Totalitarian Dictatorship Coming To America And The World!
September 30, 2009
Totalitarian Dictatorship, Totalitarian Dictatorship, Totalitarian Dictatorship. Elisabeth warn them, the one who calls himself president of the United States wants America to be ruled by a Totalitarian Dictatorship. The best health care will only be for the rich. There will only be 2 classes of people, the wealthy and those who are now considered the middle class. The middle class will serve the wealthy and the poor will slowly be killed off through forced vaccinations, forced abortions and denial of medical care. The government will rule everything and they will decide who will live and who will die.
“Come Forth Bride of Israel | HOLY SPIRIT Seen!”
April 12, 2018
This is the end of the end times. It is not long off. The Great Tribulation, is not long off. Do not take the mark of the beast. Do not allow them to chip you unless you know what the chip is for and it is necessary. But beware, beware the chip that they will try to put in you, in your forehead, in your hand, is the mark of the beast (Rv 13:16) that there is no forgiveness of (Rv 14:9-12).